Every culture has its own unique superstitions – and Germany is no exception! Bavaria specifically has a rich history of legends and beliefs that still influence locals today. From eerie folklore to mystical traditions, here are some of the most fascinating Bavarian superstitions that you might hear the locals whispering about once you’re here!

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The Wolpertinger – Bavaria’s Cryptid Creature
If you ever see a strange-looking rabbit with antlers, fangs, and wings while hiking in the Bavarian Alps, you might have encountered a Wolpertinger.
This bizarre creature is part of Bavarian folklore and is said to live deep in the forests, blending in with its surroundings. The Wolpertinger is often depicted as a mix of different animals—usually a rabbit with deer antlers, bat wings, and sometimes duck feet.
Though it’s more of a fun tavern legend, locals still joke that tourists can only see a Wolpertinger if they go into the forest at night with a beautiful Bavarian maiden. You can even find taxidermied versions of these creatures in souvenir shops.
Crossing Paths with a Chimney Sweep – A Sign of Good Luck
While many Bavarian superstitions focus on avoiding bad luck, one of the most famous is actually a positive one—meeting a chimney sweep is considered incredibly lucky.
According to folklore, chimney sweeps clear away bad energy along with the soot from fireplaces, making them bringers of fortune. Many Bavarians still shake hands with a chimney sweep when they see one, believing it will bring good luck for the rest of the day.
In Bavaria, it’s still common to buy tiny chimney sweep figurines as good luck charms, especially for New Year’s gifts.

The Perchten – The Terrifying Winter Spirits
If you think Krampus is Bavaria’s only scary Christmas legend, think again. Enter the Perchten, eerie half-demon, half-animal creatures that appear during the Rauhnächte, the mystical “rough nights” between Christmas and Epiphany.
According to legend, the Schiachperchten, or ugly Perchten, roam villages to chase away evil spirits and bad luck before the new year. These creatures, with their terrifying wooden masks, ringing cowbells, and whips, are led by Frau Perchta, a powerful winter witch who rewards the good and punishes the wicked.
In some Bavarian villages, people still dress as Perchten and parade through the streets in elaborate, hand-carved masks to frighten away bad energy before the new year.
The Rauhnächte – The Twelve Nights of Spirits
The period between December 25 and January 6 is considered a time of powerful supernatural activity in Bavaria. According to folklore, during these nights, spirits roam freely, and humans must take precautions to avoid misfortune.
Common Rauhnächte superstitions include avoiding drying laundry at night, as spirits may get tangled in the clothes and bring bad luck, never whistling indoors, as it could summon evil entities, and burning special incense like sage or frankincense to purify the air and ward off bad spirits.
Many Bavarian families still perform Rauhnacht rituals, such as writing down wishes and burning them or reading omens based on the weather each night.

The Weeping Woman of Neuschwanstein
Bavaria’s most famous castle, Neuschwanstein, isn’t just a fairy tale attraction—it also has a ghostly legend attached to it.
According to local folklore, a mysterious woman in white is sometimes seen crying on the castle grounds. Some say she is the spirit of a heartbroken woman, while others believe she is the ghost of King Ludwig II’s lost love.
Many believe that her appearance is an omen of tragedy, and some even claim that she was seen just before King Ludwig II’s mysterious death in 1886.
Visitors still report strange noises and eerie feelings while walking through the castle at night.
The Totenbretter – Wooden “Death Boards” in the Forest
If you ever hike in the Bavarian countryside and come across long wooden planks nailed to trees, you might be looking at a Totenbrett, or death board.
These boards were traditionally used as temporary resting places for the deceased before burial. Afterward, the wooden boards were placed in the forest as memorials, often engraved with names, prayers, or poetic verses.
Some say that passing by a Totenbrett at night can make you hear whispers from the spirits of those memorialized.
While no longer used for burials, many Totenbretter remain in Bavaria, serving as both historical markers and eerie reminders of the past.

The Curse of the Watzmann Mountain
One of the most dramatic legends in Bavaria is the tale of King Watzmann, whose cruelty led to his family’s eternal punishment.
According to legend, King Watzmann ruled with brutality, hunting and killing without mercy. One day, he and his family slaughtered an innocent shepherd and his wife, cursing them to be turned into stone. The gods responded by transforming the entire royal family into the Watzmann mountain range—the highest peak representing the king, and the smaller peaks his wife and children.
Hikers today still say that storms often gather around Watzmann, as if nature itself remembers his cursed legacy.
Many hikers believe climbing Watzmann’s peak is only for the brave, as the mountain’s spirit is still restless.